Cloud-based network security systems act as third-party security providers that operate as a go-between for remote users and websites.
Organizations are under the constant threat of online security threats. The range of possible attacks continues to grow and become more sophisticated on a daily basis. Cloud-based network security systems act as third-party security providers that operate as a go-between for remote users and websites. They constantly monitor and examine possible attack patterns in your network traffic. Here are five benefits of using this system to protect your organization.
The Scale
Cloud-based network security systems can build a larger infrastructure by protecting many organizations and corporations at the same time when compared to what individual agencies can do on their own. That capacity, however, should be evaluated by the amount of traffic it delivers daily versus how much extra space is available to lessen potential security threats and attacks in the future.
The Performance
In some cases, you can benefit from network protection and improved performance at the same time. This comes from a common underlying platform that can accelerate access to web applications. In that scenario, those web applications can be secured without sacrificing performance.
The Threat Intelligence
Cloud-based network security providers are experts in this field. This gives them greater insight into attack trends – more insight than individual agencies would provide. When it comes to threat intelligence, they can also provide improved firewall rules, threat advisories, and better response processes.
The Expertise
Speaking of being experts, cloud security providers have gained the experience of providing service for many organizations and corporations. This gives them the necessary working knowledge to respond to an array of attacks, which reduces resolution time and impact.
The Cost
Instead of facing a hefty charge upfront, you’ll replace that cost with a more manageable recurring expense. When you consider the size of the infrastructure necessary to protect against significant attacks, you’ll immediately realize the savings associated with this model.
En-Net Services Can Help Today
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