A modern-day cloud service market is expected to grow more and more each year.
A modern-day cloud service market is expected to grow more and more each year. While the benefits are too good to ignore, every mix of hybrid, private, and public cloud infrastructure comes with a new set of risks and challenges. The industry is beginning to learn that enhanced flexibility also means having to consider availability, security, and compliance. These challenges present themselves right at the outset, and without a fundamental understanding of the mindset that cloud services demand, it can be easy to build a new cloud on a shaky foundation, which nobody wants. Read on to learn how you could avoid some mistakes while picking a cloud service provider!
Assume All Cloud Services Provide a Lot of the Same Things
Just making the choice to move onto the cloud is the first step to make. Beyond private, public, and hybrid cloud environments, every cloud setup and providers comes with a set of different predefined services with respective performance and cost levels. The proper cloud mix depends on your specific requirements and various applications and infrastructure in which you’ve already been invested. A good example would be a private cloud delivering you with increased flexibility but being less scalable. If you’re already investing in a vendor that is more public, then you are better off working with a public cloud offering the same kind of vendor for better cloud migration services.
Ignore Any Varying Performances from Different Clouds
Expect other cloud service providers to produce different performance levels for a specific application. However, the same provider can deliver performances in other areas, depending on how you want to take advantage of the provider’s infrastructure or services. For each setup, your application will act differently. It is up to you to plan for a specific performance level and prepare to tweak them a little until you reach your business goals.
Expecting Any Application to Run on Any Type of Cloud Service
Cloud service providers are not OS-agnostic. If your infrastructure depends on Windows, then Google may not be a viable option. In fact, plenty of legacy systems aren’t fully supported by a cloud provider. Do a bit of homework before you fully commit to a cloud computing service provider. If you’ve got any questions about cloud computing services or network security, give En-Net Services a call!
En-Net Services Can Help Today
Experience a superior method of getting the public sector technology solutions you need through forming a partnership with En-Net Services. Our seasoned team members are familiar with the distinct purchasing and procurement cycles of state and local governments, as well as Federal, K-12 education, and higher education entities. En-Net is a certified Maryland Small Business Reserve with contract vehicles and sub-contracting partnerships to meet all contracting requirements.