As befits 2020, the first week back to school (for Marylanders, anyway) was vastly altered from years past. A tip-of-the-hat to the IT Directors and their teams for putting together a plan for virtual and distance learning.
We have spoken of Kajeet before in this blog. Kajeet offers a WiFi hotspot, that is enhanced by a vigorous filter to keep students away from unauthorized websites, which also feed analytics to the school about how the Kajeet device is being used by the student. Beyond the obvious safety this brings to the student’s device and the school’s network, there is an added benefit: it disallows the user from using the WiFi hotspot as an “unlimited data plan.” Kajeet and En-Net are finding that the WiFi hotspots that are offered by the carriers (which often have a lower entry price point) are often used as an unlimited data plan, and the charges for going over data limits offset the initial savings. Additionally, with the increased use of data hog, live streaming applications, the data limits are sure to be exceeded.

Until we can get back to this, lets make sure every kid has access from home.
En-Net and Kajeet bring a safe, monitored, secure internet access point to kids that need that access, in a form factor that keeps the student, and the school network, secure. There are many other features that make Kajeet the overall best choice for safety and TOC. Your Strategic Account Manager at En-Net can help. Please feel free to share with your school IT department or Administration. En-Net looks forward to helping students, and schools, stay safe.