En-Net Services and Synnex: Delivering PPE through IT Distribution Channel

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One difficult lesson  we learned as the Covid 19 epidemic spread across the US  was the profound difference between the distribution channel of PPE (and other healthcare needs) and the distribution channel of IT.  En-Net found this out as Healthcare organizations were reaching out to fulfill needs for masks, shields, gloves, thermometers, and germ resistant/washable accessories: many of which were items for which we had zero, or limited, established distribution contacts.  On any given day, and in any given news cycle, you can hear differing reports about the peak, the flatline, herd immunity, and reports of positive tests for Covid.  Not to mention the re-opening of the economy, and the effects that will have on healthcare supply chains.  What we know now, is that a healthy, mature supply chain can have a huge impact on delivering much needed equipment to the critical Healthcare Sector.

En-Net is pleased to announce that they are partnering with Synnex to offer PPE, and other frontline solutions through Synnex’s established, nationally recognized supply chain.  Extending our offerings in Healthcare sector, while relying on the consistent, predictable supply and reliable delivery times positions En-Net to be a go-to partner for equipping both front line emergency services, as well as portable hospitals/medical centers as well as doctor’s offices and clinics.

Most importantly: PPE.  In the coming weeks, common forms of PPE will be available through our distribution channel.   Masks, gloves and shields.  Additionally, En-Net is able to provide mission critical thermometers, Pulse Ox temperature and O2 devices; Ergotron mobile medical carts, as well as a wide variety of medical grade scanner, tablets, and PCs: all designed to be anti-microbial and subject to constant cleanings.  In the forefront of re-cleanable devices stands Seal Shield: keyboards, mice and accessories all able to be subjected to “wet” cleanings without compromising the device itself.

En-Net is also able to work with you on design of workstations, and re-design of patient access areas to improve efficiency and prioritize patient safety vis-a-vis safe social distancing.

Please contact your En-Net Strategic Account Executive for further details, or to arrange a virtual meeting with En-Net and our partners at Synnex.


Stay Safe!

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