Organizations have to prepare themselves by beefing up their network security for possible attacks.
The United States census is about to begin after ten long years. By April 1st, every single home in the country should receive an invitation to participate in the census. The point of the census is to provide valuable information for government agencies, academic organizations, and private businesses. Still, it opens up the door for cybercriminals who are looking to exploit the widespread publicity around the census to conduct harmful attacks. Organizations have to prepare themselves by beefing up their network security for these inevitable attacks and ensure that their employees do not fall for scams that accidentally compromise very sensitive information.
Launch a Census-Focused Network Security Awareness Campaign
Remind employees that they shouldn’t provide their social security numbers to anyone that they don’t trust. The census won’t reach out to anyone by email, so any emails that request participation are fraudulent. Most invitations for the census will come in some form of a paper letter or postcard directing people to their website. Census workers might even visit you. Just be on the lookout for suspicious emails and notify your employees of these.
Start an Anti-Phishing Campaign
Many organizations use simulated phishing campaigns as a critical part of their security awareness programs. These campaigns can use realistic-looking phishing messages to educate their users about the dangers of clicking on suspicious links. If you aren’t using an anti-phishing service, consider using on now.
Securing Your Email Gateway
Email remains the most frequently exploited attack vector, but organizations tend to devote a smaller part of their security budgets to protecting any email gateways. Make sure that your email is prepared for the onslaught of census-themed attacks by implementing some anti-spoofing controls, like DMARC and DKIM. These are some of the best courses of action for network security.
Protect Your Organization’s Endpoints
Desktops, laptops, and mobile devices offer possible attackers a foothold from which they can wage bigger attacks against the organization. Security teams should also implement endpoint protection strategies that incorporate artificial intelligence to spot any hidden threats and protect your organization against cybercriminals.
Try Out a Network Security Assessment
The best way to guard your organization against any cybersecurity risks is to maintain an active cybersecurity program. En-Net Services will provide you with all of the network security solutions that you need!
En-Net Services Can Help Today
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