AI or artificial intelligence-based email security is proving to be extraordinarily effective at protecting against today’s most advanced business email scam attacks.
In today’s technological age, we must take all of the proper precautions to ensure our data online is safe and secure. Predictive, AI or artificial intelligence-based email security is proving to be extraordinarily effective at protecting against today’s most advanced business email scam attacks, phishing attacks, and other swiftly evolving email threats. But, only when it is done right. Here are the four basics of any AI-based email security system.
A Strong Focus on the “Good” to Expose the “Bad”
Instead of focusing solely on training AI to recognize malicious email in hopes of finding out each new attack modality, a much better approach is to model legitimate, “good” email traffic. After all, the behavior of real users can be very predictable – it only deviates from standard patterns when an account is hacked or impersonated. The premise of this approach is simple. Train AI models to identify good and “normal” characteristics of emails. If something comes up as suspicious, notify the developers immediately to avoid a possible cyber attack.
Globally Based, Dynamic Datasets
This type of approach requires a massive dataset. By receiving trillions of emails annually to graph relationships, behavioral patterns between people, organizations, locations, and domains to define right and trusted email communications at a global scale will allow AI to determine what’s good and what isn’t. It can then dynamically score each new email message against a set of behavioral models, enforcing policies according to a specific business’s needs.
Expertise from the Masters of The Domains
Beyond the size and quality of its data, AI technologies rely on the knowledge of the scientists that train it. Many software and technological organizations rank high among the world’s leading authorities on phishing, BEC, and account takeover-based email threats. In certain situations where there might not be enough data to combat a new attack, human experts can identify any underlying mechanisms behind the scam. This allows for the AI to improve, as developers and scientists can use analytics and human knowledge to update the AI technology continuously.
Smooth Integration with the Cloud
As many organizations move to popular cloud-based platforms, they face increasing risks from highly-advanced email threats. The counter these trends, AI developers are now making their technology block malicious emails that make it past the platform-native security controls. This gives users peace of mind while storing their valuable data on the cloud.
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